How do you front-end subtract estimation 189 from 643

600 - 200

To perform front-end subtraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the front-end digits of the numbers you want to subtract.

For the given numbers, 189 and 643, the front-end digit of 189 is 1, and the front-end digit of 643 is 6.

Step 2: Subtract the front-end digits.

Subtracting 1 from 6 gives us 5.

Step 3: Append the result to the back-end digits of the number being subtracted.

Since we subtracted 1 from 6, we append 5 to the back of 89.

Step 4: Subtract the back-end digits.

Subtracting 5 from 89 gives us 84.

Therefore, the front-end subtraction of 189 from 643 is 584.

If you prefer to use a calculator or a spreadsheet program, you can simply enter the numbers and perform the subtraction using the appropriate functions. However, understanding the process of front-end subtraction can be helpful for mental math or when you don't have access to a calculator.