simplify each expression

14 + 5(x + 3) - 7x

34 - 7x

14 + 5(x + 3) - 7x

14 + 5x + 15 - 7x

29 - 2x

combine like terms.

14 + 5x + 15 - 7x
29 - 2x

To simplify each expression, we'll follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division - from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction - from left to right).

Let's simplify the first expression: 14 + 5(x + 3) - 7x.

1. Start by solving the expression inside the parentheses: (x + 3). Since there are no like terms to combine, we leave it as it is: x + 3.

2. Multiply 5 by each term inside the parentheses: 5 * x + 5 * 3. This gives us 5x + 15.

3. Now, rewrite the original expression with the simplified term: 14 + 5x + 15 - 7x.

4. Combine like terms. The x terms can be combined, as well as the constant terms: (5x - 7x) + (14 + 15).

5. Simplify the x terms: -2x + 29.

The simplified expression is -2x + 29.

Now, let's simplify the second expression: 34 - 7x.

In this case, there are no parentheses, exponents, or multiplication/division, so we just need to combine like terms.

The expression has a constant term (34) and a term involving 'x' (-7x). Since there are no other terms, we leave it as is.

The simplified expression is 34 - 7x.