the ratio of milk to water in a container is 5:1 by volume. if the total volume of mixture is 9 liters, find the volume of warer in it

Find the fourth proportional to 2,3 and 6

To find the volume of water in the mixture, we need to determine the ratio between milk and water and use it to calculate the volume of each component.

Given that the ratio of milk to water in the container is 5:1 by volume, we know that for every 5 parts of milk, we have 1 part of water.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio.
The total number of parts in the ratio is determined by adding the two parts together, which gives us 5 + 1 = 6 parts.

Step 2: Divide the total volume of the mixture by the number of parts in the ratio.
Since the total volume of the mixture is 9 liters, we can divide it by 6 to find the volume of each part.
9 liters ÷ 6 = 1.5 liters per part.

Step 3: Calculate the volume of water in the mixture.
Since the ratio of milk to water is 5:1, and each part is equal to 1.5 liters, we can multiply the volume per part by the number of parts for water.
1.5 liters × 1 part = 1.5 liters of water.

Therefore, the volume of water in the mixture is 1.5 liters.

milk : water = 5 : 1 = 5x : x

5x + x = 9

carry on
