3. All of the following aided in the decline of the Incan Empire EXCEPT (1 point)

A. being conquered by the Mayans.
B. Francisco Pizzaro's trap that helped capture and kill the Incan emperor and his men.
C. that the Spanish had superior weapons.
D. that the Spanish brought with them diseases to which the Incas had never been exposed.----
4. How did the Incas keep records? (1 point)
A. They cut them into clay tablets that were then dried in the sun.
B. They used turkey quills to write them on scrolls.------
C. They used a group of knotted strings called a quipu.
D. They carved them into stone
are my answers right

For question 3, you selected option A, B, and C as the factors that aided in the decline of the Incan Empire. However, the correct answer is option A, being conquered by the Mayans. The Mayans and Incas were distinct civilizations that existed at different times and in different regions, so it was not the Mayans who conquered the Incan Empire.

For question 4, you selected option B, "They used turkey quills to write them on scrolls," as the method the Incas used to keep records. However, the correct answer is option C, "They used a group of knotted strings called a quipu." The Incas relied heavily on the quipu, which is a system of colored and knotted strings that were used for record-keeping and communication purposes.

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why did the incan empire decline?

how did incas keep records?