Inscribe a regular octagon in a circle of diameter 80mm

Draw two perpendicular diameters.

Mark where they intersect the circles, there should be 4 of those marks

bisect each of the 90° angles and draw those diameters. Mark their intersection points on the circle.
Join adjacent marks on your circles with line segments to get your octagon.


To inscribe a regular octagon in a circle, we need to find the length of each side of the octagon.

A regular octagon has eight equal sides, and since it is inscribed in a circle, these sides will be equal to the radius of the circle.

Given that the diameter of the circle is 80mm, we can find the radius (r) by dividing the diameter by 2:

r = 80mm / 2 = 40mm

Now we have the length of each side of the octagon, which is also equal to the radius of the circle, i.e., 40mm.

To draw the inscribed octagon, follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal line segment and label its length as 40mm. This represents one side of the octagon.

2. From each endpoint of the line segment, draw a perpendicular line segment of length 40mm in both directions. This will give you two more sides of the octagon.

3. Connect the endpoints of these perpendicular line segments to form an isosceles triangle. The base of this triangle will be one side of the octagon.

4. From each endpoint of the base, draw a perpendicular line segment of length 40mm. This will give you two more sides of the octagon.

5. Connect the endpoints of these perpendicular line segments to complete the octagon.

Your final drawing will be a regular octagon inscribed in a circle of diameter 80mm.