The sum of the ages of Jared and Caitlyn is 80 years. 8 years ago, Jared's age was 3 times Caitlyn's age. How old is Jared now?

Caillyn now -- x

Jared now --- 80-x

8 years ago:
Caitlyn = x-8
Jared = (80-x) - 8 = 72 - x

translate into MATH:
"Jared's age was 3 times Caitlyn's age"
72-x = 3(x-8)

solve for x

make sure your answer satisfies the given conditions.

Bradley is 4 years older than Amanda. In 3 years the sum of their ages will be 64. How old is Bradley now?

To find Jared's current age, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume Jared's current age is J and Caitlyn's current age is C.

From the first statement, we know that the sum of their ages is 80. So, the equation is:
J + C = 80 -- (Equation 1)

From the second statement, we know that 8 years ago Jared's age was 3 times Caitlyn's age. This means that Jared's age 8 years ago was J - 8, and Caitlyn's age 8 years ago was C - 8. So, the equation is:
J - 8 = 3(C - 8) -- (Equation 2)

To solve this system of equations, we can use the substitution method or elimination method.

Let's solve it using the substitution method:
From Equation 1, we get:
J = 80 - C

Substituting this into Equation 2, we have:
80 - C - 8 = 3(C - 8)

Simplifying this equation:
72 - C = 3C - 24

Moving all the C terms to one side:
72 + 24 = 3C + C
96 = 4C

Dividing by 4 on both sides, we get:
C = 24

Substituting this value of C into Equation 1:
J + 24 = 80

Subtracting 24 from both sides, we have:
J = 80 - 24
J = 56

Therefore, Jared is currently 56 years old.