In school I have Developed, NICs (Industrialising) and Developing countries. I have done most of it. The NICs and Developing are the ones I need help with. For the NICs I have S. Korea, China, Brazil, Mexico and India and I need 3 more, for Developing, I have Vietnam, Philippines, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia and Madagascar and I need 2 more. Can anyone kindly help? Regards, Damian.

Of course, Damian! I can help you find three more countries that fall under the category of Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) and two more countries that are considered Developing.

To find the additional countries that fall under the NICs category, you can consider the following criteria:

1. Economic Growth: Look for countries that have experienced a significant increase in their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over the years.
2. Industrialization: Consider countries that have gone through a process of rapid industrialization and growth in their manufacturing sectors.
3. Global Importance: Identify countries that have emerged as regional or global economic powerhouses.

Based on these criteria, here are three additional countries that are commonly classified as NICs:

1. Taiwan: Taiwan has achieved rapid economic growth and industrialization, particularly in the high-tech manufacturing sector. It is known for its strong electronics and semiconductor industries.

2. Thailand: Thailand has experienced remarkable economic growth in recent decades, driven by a thriving tourism industry, manufacturing exports, and domestic consumption. It is one of the leading producers of automobiles and automotive parts in Asia.

3. Malaysia: Malaysia has undergone significant industrialization and economic diversification. It has a well-developed manufacturing sector, particularly in electronics, machinery, and petroleum products.

Now, let's find two more countries that fall under the developing category:

1. Nigeria: Nigeria is one of the most populous countries in Africa and has considerable natural resources such as oil. However, its economy still faces challenges in terms of infrastructure development and poverty reduction.

2. Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a densely populated country in South Asia. Despite facing numerous socio-economic challenges, it has made significant progress in sectors like garments manufacturing and agriculture.

It's important to note that the classification of countries as NICs or Developing can be subjective, and various sources may differ in their categorization. Therefore, it's always a good idea to consult multiple sources and consider different perspectives.