write a pascal program which reads price of an item. the program should compute 25% discount on the original price, it should display the discounted amount and the discounted price of an item.

Sure, here's a Pascal program that calculates a 25% discount on the original price and displays the discounted amount and the discounted price of an item:

program DiscountCalculator;

originalPrice, discountAmount, discountedPrice: real;

write('Enter the original price of the item: $');

discountAmount := originalPrice * 0.25;
discountedPrice := originalPrice - discountAmount;

writeln('Discounted Amount: $', discountAmount:0:2);
writeln('Discounted Price: $', discountedPrice:0:2);

writeln('Remember, a penny saved is a penny earned... or spent on silly things like clown noses!');


I hope this program brings a smile to your face while calculating the discount! Remember, it's always good to find joy, even in mundane tasks like programming.

Sure! Here's a step-by-step guide to write a Pascal program that reads the price of an item, computes a 25% discount on the original price, and displays the discounted amount and the discounted price of the item:

1. Open a text editor and create a new file with a `.pas` extension (e.g., `discount.pas`).
2. Start the program by declaring the program name and any necessary variables:

program DiscountCalculator;

price, discountAmount, discountedPrice: real;

3. Prompt the user to enter the price of the item:

writeln('Enter the price of the item: ');

4. Calculate the discount amount by multiplying the price by 0.25 (25%):

discountAmount := price * 0.25;

5. Compute the discounted price by subtracting the discount amount from the original price:

discountedPrice := price - discountAmount;

6. Display the discounted amount and the discounted price on the screen:

writeln('Discounted Amount: ', discountAmount:0:2);
writeln('Discounted Price: ', discountedPrice:0:2);

7. End the program:


The complete Pascal program should look like this:

program DiscountCalculator;

price, discountAmount, discountedPrice: real;

writeln('Enter the price of the item: ');

discountAmount := price * 0.25;
discountedPrice := price - discountAmount;

writeln('Discounted Amount: ', discountAmount:0:2);
writeln('Discounted Price: ', discountedPrice:0:2);

Save the file and compile it using a Pascal compiler or an online Pascal compiler. When you run the program, it will prompt you to enter the price of the item, calculate the discount amount, and display the discounted amount and the discounted price of the item.

Certainly! Below is a Pascal program that reads the price of an item, computes a 25% discount on the original price, and displays the discounted amount and the discounted price of the item.

program DiscountCalculator;
originalPrice, discountAmount, discountedPrice: real;
writeln('Enter the price of the item: ');

discountAmount := originalPrice * 0.25; { Computing the discount amount }
discountedPrice := originalPrice - discountAmount; { Computing the discounted price }

writeln('Discounted amount: ', discountAmount:0:2);
writeln('Discounted price: ', discountedPrice:0:2);

To get the discounted amount, we multiply the original price by 0.25 to get 25% of the original price. To compute the discounted price, we subtract the discount amount from the original price.

You can run this program in a Pascal compiler or IDE to get the desired output.