

-3b < -3

b < 1

3b - 12 <_ -9

To solve the inequality 12 - 3b < 9, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by isolating the variable term, which is the term that contains the variable (b). In this case, the variable term is -3b.

12 - 3b < 9

2. To isolate -3b, subtract 12 from both sides of the inequality:

12 - 3b - 12 < 9 - 12

Simplify the equation:

-3b < -3

3. Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -3. Note that when you divide by a negative number, the inequality flips.

-3b / -3 > -3 / -3

Simplify the equation:

b > 1

So the solution to the inequality 12 - 3b < 9 is b > 1.
