An object travels with a constant acceleration for 10 s. The vectors in Figure 3-41 represent the final and initial velocities. carefully graph the x component of the velocity versus time and the y component of the acceleration versus time, in a Vx vs t graph, a Vy vs t graph and an ay vs t graph.

To create the graphs for x component of velocity vs time, y component of velocity vs time, and y component of acceleration vs time, follow these steps:

1. Identify the given information and measurements:
- The object travels with a constant acceleration for 10 seconds.
- The vectors in Figure 3-41 represent the final and initial velocities.

2. Determine the values for the final and initial velocities:
- Note the magnitudes and directions of the vectors in Figure 3-41.
- Use the given information to determine the x and y components of the final and initial velocities.

3. Calculate the x component of velocity for each point in time:
- Since the object travels with a constant acceleration, the x component of velocity will remain constant over time.
- Find the magnitude of the x component of the final and initial velocities.
- Plot a horizontal line on the Vx vs t graph at the value of the x component of velocity.

4. Calculate the y component of velocity for each point in time:
- The y component of velocity will change over time due to the constant acceleration.
- Determine the change in y component of velocity during the given time period.
- Divide the change in y component of velocity by the time to get the average acceleration.
- Plot the average acceleration as a line on the Vy vs t graph.

5. Calculate the y component of acceleration for each point in time:
- The y component of acceleration remains constant over time, as the object travels with a constant acceleration.
- Find the magnitude of the y component of acceleration.
- Plot a horizontal line on the ay vs t graph at the value of the y component of acceleration.

6. Label the axes and scale the graphs appropriately:
- Label the x-axis of each graph as "Time (s)".
- Label the y-axis of the Vx vs t graph as "Vx (m/s)".
- Label the y-axis of the Vy vs t graph as "Vy (m/s)".
- Label the y-axis of the ay vs t graph as "ay (m/s^2)".
- Scale the graphs based on the values obtained in steps 3, 4, and 5.

7. Plot the lines on each graph:
- Transfer the values obtained in steps 3, 4, and 5 onto the appropriate graphs.
- Plot a horizontal line on the Vx vs t graph for the x component of the velocity.
- Plot a straight line with a constant slope on the Vy vs t graph for the average acceleration.
- Plot a horizontal line on the ay vs t graph for the y component of acceleration.

8. Graphically represent the x and y components of velocity and acceleration over time:
- The Vx vs t graph will show a horizontal line at the x component of velocity.
- The Vy vs t graph will show a straight line with a constant slope for the y component of velocity.
- The ay vs t graph will show a horizontal line at the y component of acceleration.

By following these steps, you can carefully graph the x component of the velocity vs time, y component of the velocity vs time, and y component of the acceleration vs time. Feel free to add specific values and labels to the graphs based on the given information in Figure 3-41.