Li is running a race around the school track. He runs 0.327 kilometer during the first half of the race. What is the distance that he travels in the first half of the race, rounded to the nearest hundredths

Didn't you just say that he ran .327 km during the first half ?

now round that off to the nearest hundredths.


To find the distance Li travels in the first half of the race, we need to round the given distance to the nearest hundredths.

The distance Li runs in the first half of the race is given as 0.327 kilometers. To round this number to the nearest hundredths, we look at the digit in the thousandths place, which is "7".

Since "7" is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the digit in the hundredths place, which is "2". Therefore, the distance Li travels in the first half of the race, rounded to the nearest hundredths, is 0.33 kilometers.