Can you check to see if I'm correct?

Which of these substances are elements?
a. silicone
b. quartz
c. iodine
d. water
e. silicon
f. lead

is the answer: c, e, and f?

silicon is an element but silicone is not - misspelled or trick question

quartz is a chemical compound ( SiO4 ) not an element

iodine is an element like other halogens

water is H2O, a compound not an element

silicon is an element as I said above

lead is an element of course Pb



To determine which substances are elements, you need to know whether they are pure substances made up of only one type of atom.

Based on your choices:
a. Silicone - This is incorrect. Silicone is not an element; it is a polymer made up of elements such as silicon, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen.
b. Quartz - This is incorrect as well. Quartz is a mineral made up of silicon and oxygen atoms.
c. Iodine - This is correct. Iodine is an element with the symbol I and atomic number 53.
d. Water - This is incorrect. Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O).
e. Silicon - This is correct. Silicon is an element with the symbol Si and atomic number 14, commonly found in various minerals and used in electronics.
f. Lead - This is correct. Lead is an element with the symbol Pb and atomic number 82.

So, the correct answer is: c (iodine), e (silicon), and f (lead).

To determine whether a substance is an element, you need to check if it is listed on the periodic table. Here's how you can verify if your answers are correct:

a. silicone: Silicon exists as an element on the periodic table, so it is an element.

b. quartz: Quartz is a mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms. While silicon is an element, quartz itself is not an element but a compound.

c. iodine: Iodine is an element and can be found on the periodic table, so you are correct that it is an element.

d. water: Water is a compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, but neither hydrogen nor oxygen are elements themselves. Thus, water is not an element.

e. silicon: Silicon, as mentioned earlier, is an element found on the periodic table.

f. lead: Lead is also an element and can be found on the periodic table, making it an element.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answers for the given list are c. iodine, e. silicon, and f. lead.