Which country’s leaders were mostly responsible for causing World War II?

Great Britain
United States

My Choice Germany


1. b,c,a,d
2. Germany
3.Millions of Jewish people died in Europe

Got it thanks


@stan got7 is 100% correct

You are correct that Germany played a significant role in causing World War II. However, it's important to note that there were multiple countries and leaders involved in the conflict. To understand the causes of World War II and the country's responsible, it is essential to study the historical events and actions that led to the outbreak of the war.

Here is a brief explanation of the role played by each of the countries you mentioned:

1. Germany: Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, Germany pursued aggressive territorial expansion, violated international treaties, and carried out policies based on racial superiority. Their invasion of Poland in 1939 sparked the war in Europe.

2. Great Britain: While it is true that Great Britain was one of the major Allies in the war, their leaders can't be held responsible for causing the conflict. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain pursued a policy of appeasement towards Germany, hoping to avoid war. However, after the invasion of Poland, Britain declared war on Germany.

3. Japan: Japan's ambitions for imperial expansion in East Asia were a significant factor in triggering the war. The Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and the subsequent attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 brought the United States into the war.

4. United States: The United States initially remained neutral but became actively involved in the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. While the United States' entry into the war was a response to Japan's aggression, it played a crucial role in the defeat of Germany and Japan.

In conclusion, while Germany's aggressive actions under Hitler's leadership were a major cause of World War II, it is necessary to acknowledge the involvement of other countries and leaders as well. Understanding the complex historical context helps to comprehend the multi-faceted causes of the war.