Find the point (x, y) on the unit circle that corresponds to the real number 5pi/6. Use it to evaluate cos n.

Is cos n = (-sqrt(3)/2)?

To find the point (x, y) on the unit circle that corresponds to the real number 5π/6, you can use the following steps:

1. Start with the angle 5π/6. This angle is measured in radians.

2. Remember that on the unit circle, the x-coordinate corresponds to the cosine value and the y-coordinate corresponds to the sine value.

3. Since the angle is in the second quadrant (between π/2 and π), the x-coordinate will be negative.

4. To find the x-coordinate, use the cosine function: x = cos(5π/6). Evaluating this expression, you get x = -√3/2.

5. Therefore, the point (x, y) on the unit circle that corresponds to 5π/6 is (-√3/2, y).

Now, to answer the second part of your question, we need to know the value of n. If n equals 5π/6, then you are correct that cos n = -√3/2.

However, if n is a different value, the cosine value may vary. The cosine function is periodic with a period of 2π, meaning it repeats every 2π radians. Therefore, the value of cos n will depend on the specific value of n.

In summary, for the given real number 5π/6, cos n is indeed equal to -√3/2. It is important to note that this answer holds true only when n is specifically equal to 5π/6.

that is correct.

The question is poorly worded, though.