what is the order of these numbers from least to greatest

-1 5/11
-1 91/200

1st step might be to change them all to decimals. Then it will be clear.

To determine the order of these numbers from least to greatest, we need to convert them into a common form and then compare them.

Let's convert each number into a common form by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions:

-7/5 (already in fraction form)
-1 5/11 = -(11/11) + (5/11) = -16/11
-1.45 = -1 - (0.45) = -1 - (45/100) = -145/100
-1 91/200 = -(200/200) + (91/200) = -309/200

Now, we can compare these fractions:

-7/5 > -16/11 > -145/100 > -309/200

So, the order of these numbers from least to greatest is:
-7/5, -16/11, -145/100, -309/200