The water in a pond is 8 feet deep but the water level is dropping a rate of 1/2 inch per week. Write a equation for the depth in inches,d, of the pond after w weeks...

clearly, it is

d = 8 - (1/2)w

Nope^^ you convert all the units to inches first!!!!

To write an equation for the depth in inches, d, of the pond after w weeks, we need to consider that the initial depth of the pond is 8 feet, which is equivalent to 96 inches.

The water level is dropping at a rate of 1/2 inch per week. This means that for each week that passes, the depth of the pond decreases by 1/2 inch.

Therefore, we can write the equation as follows:
d = 96 - (1/2)w

Here, d represents the depth of the pond in inches, and w represents the number of weeks that have passed since the observation of the initial depth.

For example, if 4 weeks have passed, we can substitute w = 4 into the equation to find the current depth:
d = 96 - (1/2)(4) = 96 - 2 = 94 inches.

Thus, after 4 weeks, the water depth in the pond would be 94 inches.