Which of the following was not a primary concern of Charlemagne?

establishing a central government to rule his territory

building a standing army

conquering Norse-held lands of Sweden and Denmark

strengthening the Christian faith across Europe

I think its b pls help me

is it c

I disagree.



can you check my other answers pls

To determine which of the following was not a primary concern of Charlemagne, let's examine each option:

A) Establishing a central government to rule his territory: Charlemagne was indeed concerned with establishing a central government and consolidating his rule over his vast empire. He notably implemented administrative reforms and appointed local representatives known as counts to govern various regions.

B) Building a standing army: Charlemagne recognized the importance of having a well-trained and organized military force. He placed great emphasis on expanding and maintaining his army to protect his territories from external threats and ensure internal stability.

C) Conquering Norse-held lands of Sweden and Denmark: It is true that Charlemagne engaged in military campaigns against various groups, including the Saxons, Lombards, and Avars, as part of his expansionist policies. However, there is no historical evidence to suggest that he actively sought to conquer Norse-held lands, such as Sweden and Denmark. Therefore, this is a plausible option to consider as the correct answer.

D) Strengthening the Christian faith across Europe: Charlemagne played a significant role in promoting and spreading Christianity throughout his empire. He actively supported and promoted missionary efforts, established schools and monasteries, and fostered cultural and intellectual development with a strong religious foundation.

Based on the above analysis, it seems that the correct answer is option C) Conquering Norse-held lands of Sweden and Denmark, as there is no historical evidence pointing to Charlemagne's specific focus on these regions.