Jess observed that 60% of the people at a mall on a particular day shopped for clothes. If 2500 people at the mall did not shop for clothes that day, the number of people who shopped for clothes that day was ______. (only put numeric values, no other symbols)

would this be 3,750


(1-.60)x = 2500

Solve for x.

100% - 60% = 40% Did not shop for clothes.

0.40P = 2500.
P = 6,250 People at the mall.

6250-2500 = 3,750 People shopped for
clothes. Yes!!

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mr bot answer these questions

Directions: Use the sentence to answer the question.

Joe has enough money to buy the soccer ball or the soccer video game.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction “or” suggest?
A. a cause and effect
B. a choice
C. an outcome
D. a reason

I wanted to buy the movie, but I was a dollar short.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction but signal in the sentence?
A, contrasting outcome
B. gives a reason
C. additional information
D. rejection

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word or term.

A simple sentence is an _________________ _____________, which means that it includes a subject and verb and can stand alone as a sentence.

A _________________ __________________ is a sentence with at least two independent clauses joined by a ________________________.

You might use a ___________ _______________ which includes an independent clause and at least one ______________ _____________.

A ____________ _______________ _____________ also can be used to provide descriptive details when communicating thoughts and ideas.

Each type of _______________ can help you interact well with others and express relationships between ideas.

Joe has enough money to buy the soccer ball or the soccer video game.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction “or” suggest?
B. a choice

I wanted to buy the movie, but I was a dollar short.

Which type of relationship does the conjunction but signal in the sentence?
A, contrasting outcome

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word or term.

A simple sentence is an independent clause, which means that it includes a subject and verb and can stand alone as a sentence.

A compound sentence is a sentence with at least two independent clauses joined by a conjunction.

You might use a complex sentence which includes an independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

A descriptive paragraph also can be used to provide descriptive details when communicating thoughts and ideas.

Each type of sentence can help you interact well with others and express relationships between ideas.

No, the correct answer is 6,250.

To determine the number of people who shopped for clothes that day, we can start by finding the total number of people at the mall. We are given that 60% of the people shopped for clothes, which means the remaining 40% did not shop for clothes.

Let's assume the total number of people at the mall is represented by "x". Since 60% of them shopped for clothes, we can write this as:

60% of x = number of people who shopped for clothes

To find the number of people who did not shop for clothes, we subtract the number of people who shopped from the total:

40% of x = number of people who did not shop for clothes

We are given that 2500 people did not shop for clothes, so we can now set up an equation:

40% of x = 2500

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 100/40 to cancel out the percentage:

x = 2500 * (100/40)

x = 6250

Therefore, the total number of people at the mall that day is 6250. Since 60% of them shopped for clothes, we can multiply 6250 by 60/100 to find the number of people who shopped:

Number of people who shopped = 6250 * (60/100) = 3750

So, the correct answer is 3750.