Floyd employer purchase a health insurance plan that cost 825 per month Floyd page 105 toward the plan each month what is the annual value of the employer's contribution?


If the employer pays $825 a month, then >>

825 * 12 = $__________ per year

Or are you supposed to be calculating what the employer pays minus the employee's contribution?

(825*12) - (105*12) = $___ per year

Ohh -- that's what "page 105" means. Thanks Writeacher. :-)


(Sometimes it pays to read kids' text messages when they have auto-correct on -- but the wrong word is inserted -- even though it's spelled right!! LOL!)

Some technology seems to be more trouble than it's worth.

For sure. I've turned off the "suggested words" above the text message keyboard on my phone. What a pain that is ... interferes with my thoughts!

this helped me none

To calculate the annual value of the employer's contribution towards the health insurance plan, we need to first determine the monthly contribution and then multiply it by the number of months in a year.

Monthly cost of the health insurance plan = $825
Monthly contribution by Floyd = $105

The monthly contribution made by the employer can be calculated by subtracting Floyd's monthly contribution from the total monthly cost:

Employer's monthly contribution = Monthly cost of the plan - Floyd's monthly contribution
= $825 - $105
= $720

Now, we can calculate the annual value of the employer's contribution by multiplying the monthly contribution by the number of months in a year:

Annual value of the employer's contribution = Employer's monthly contribution * 12
= $720 * 12
= $8,640

Therefore, the annual value of the employer's contribution towards the health insurance plan is $8,640.