The Most Dangerous Game

Directions: Each question has a different point value. (134 total) As always, answer in complete sentences. Use the back of the sheet or your own paper. DO NOT CRAM ANSWERS ON THIS SIDE OF THIS SHEET!

(5) 1. What do you admire or dislike about Rainsford?
(5) 2. a. What, according to Zaroff, is the most dangerous game?
(8) 2.b. Based on his attitude, would you call Zaroff “civilized”? Why or why not?
(5) 3.a. Early in the story, what do you learn about Rainsford’s views on hunting?
(5) 3.b. How does Rainsford’s attitude toward hunting compare with Zaroff’s?
(8) 4.a. What happens at the end of the story? Be thorough.
(8) 4.b. In the last scene of the story, why does Rainsford say, “I am still a beast at bay?”
(5) 5. How do you think the hunting experience with Zaroff changed Rainsford?
(5) 6.a. How would you describe Zaroff’s character?
(8) 6.b. Do you think people like Zaroff exist in real life? Explain.
(6) 7.a. Find three details that provide clues early on about Zaroff’s hobby.
(6) 7.b. How do these clues create suspense?
(15) 8. Using a chart like the one below, show how the details of Rainsford’s first night build a sense of dread.
How they build a sense of dread

(12) 9. In your opinion, what are the three most suspenseful events in the story and why?
(10) 10. Early in the story, Rainsford says, “The world is made up of two classes – the hunters and the huntees.” How does his conflict with Zaroff help Rainsford understand this expression in a new way?
(18) 11. In addition to the conflicts between characters, stories may include conflicts between a character and nature and internal conflicts within a character. Use a chart like the one below to explain each conflict.
Rainsford vs. nature
Rainsford vs. a person
Rainsford vs. himself

(5) What careers, other than hunter, would be suited to someone with Rainsford’s skills and attitudes? Why?

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To answer the questions regarding "The Most Dangerous Game," you will need to read and analyze the story. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to find the answers:

1. Read the story "The Most Dangerous Game" to understand the plot, characters, and their motivations.

2. For question 1, think about Rainsford's character and identify specific traits or actions you admire or dislike. Write your answer in a complete sentence.

Example answer: I admire Rainsford's resourcefulness and ability to adapt to difficult situations. He shows determination and quick thinking when facing danger.

3. For question 2a, find the part in the story where Zaroff discusses the most dangerous game. Look for his specific definition or explanation.

Example answer: According to Zaroff, the most dangerous game is hunting other human beings.

4. For question 2b, analyze Zaroff's attitude throughout the story and determine whether you consider him civilized. Use evidence from his behavior, dialogue, and interactions with other characters to support your answer.

Example answer: No, I would not consider Zaroff civilized. He shows a lack of empathy and a disregard for the lives of others, treating humans as mere targets for his sport.

5. Repeat the process for the remaining questions by finding relevant information in the story and forming well-constructed answers.

Note: For question 8, create a chart with the given details about Rainsford's first night and explain how each detail contributes to building a sense of dread. This will require careful analysis of the story's suspenseful elements.

Remember to write your answers in complete sentences and provide evidence from the story to support your reasoning. Enjoy exploring "The Most Dangerous Game" and its themes!