In order to change information from useless facts into information you can absorb and retain, you should do which of the following?

A. Ask questions
B. Draw conclusions
C. Anticipate information to come
D. All of the above

Im thinking A or D?

I like D.

I agree with Ms. Sue!

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options given:

A. Ask questions: This is definitely a helpful strategy to comprehend and retain information. By asking questions, you actively engage with the material and seek clarification or deeper understanding.

B. Draw conclusions: Drawing conclusions involves making inferences or forming opinions based on the information provided. While this can be a useful cognitive skill, it is not specifically related to changing useless facts into absorbable information.

C. Anticipate information to come: Anticipating information to come is a technique that involves predicting what might be presented next in a sequence or conversation. Although it can enhance comprehension, it may not directly pertain to transforming useless facts into absorbable information.

D. All of the above: Option D suggests that all three strategies (asking questions, drawing conclusions, and anticipating information to come) help transform useless facts into absorbable information. This seems like the most comprehensive choice, considering the value of each individual strategy in enhancing understanding and retention.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. All of the above. By utilizing all three strategies—asking questions, drawing conclusions, and anticipating information to come—you can effectively convert meaningless facts into knowledge that you can absorb and retain.