Write an equation and solve : How many tickets does the drama club have to sell if they want to make $150 and they are charging $3 for each ticket ?

3t = 150

t = ?


To find the number of tickets the drama club needs to sell in order to make $150, we can use the formula for finding the total revenue.

The formula for revenue is: Revenue = Price * Quantity

In this case, the revenue is $150 and the price per ticket is $3. Let's substitute these values into the formula:

150 = 3 * Quantity

To solve for Quantity, we need to isolate it. Dividing both sides of the equation by 3, we have:

Quantity = 150 / 3

Simplifying this expression, we get:

Quantity = 50

Therefore, the drama club needs to sell 50 tickets to make $150.