I am struggling to answer the following question.

Q: How did the types of settlements influence the way each was governed?

This is all I have written so far. ):

A: The various types of settlements greatly influenced the way each was governed. For example, if a settlement was a proprietary colony, it was owned by an individual who governed it any way he wanted, appointing government officials, coining money, imposing taxes, and even raising an army.

Are you writing about the way in which the British colonies were begun in the "new world"?


Proprietary colonies made up only one type out of many. Without committing any plagiarism, be sure to read all this very carefully. Then write your assignment.

Your response is a good start! To further develop your answer, you can consider the different types of settlements and how they influenced their respective governance.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to answer the question:

1. Identify the types of settlements: Start by identifying the different types of settlements that existed during the time period you are studying. These may include proprietary colonies, royal colonies, self-governing colonies, and others.

2. Define the characteristics of each settlement type: For each type of settlement, explain the key characteristics that influenced their governance. For example:
- Proprietary colonies: These were owned by individuals or groups who had significant control over governance, appointing officials, enacting laws, and determining taxes.
- Royal colonies: These were under direct control of the British Crown, with governors appointed by the monarch representing the Crown's authority.
- Self-governing colonies: These colonies had a greater degree of autonomy and were allowed to govern themselves, creating their own representative institutions and making important decisions about local affairs.

3. Explain how the characteristics influenced governance: Once you have described the different types of settlements, discuss how these characteristics affected the way each settlement was governed. Consider factors such as:
- Power distribution: Analyze how power was distributed between the ruling authority (individuals/groups/monarch) and the colonists. How did this influence decision-making, law enforcement, and administration in each settlement?
- Autonomy: Discuss the level of self-rule and autonomy in each type of settlement. How did this influence the establishment of local governments, legislative bodies, and judicial systems?
- Role of the ruling authority: Explain how the interests, beliefs, and goals of the ruling authority impacted the governance of the settlement. What influence did they have over the appointment of officials, taxation policies, and the enforcement of laws?
- Colonists' rights and participation: Consider the rights and participation of the colonists in each type of settlement. Did they have the ability to elect representatives, voice their concerns, or influence decision-making? How did this affect governance?

By providing a comprehensive analysis of the different types of settlements and their impact on governance, you will be able to fully address the question and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic.