1. Solve the equation. -6g = 42

a. g = 7
b. g = -7
c. g = 252
d. g = -252

2. Solve the equation. x/8 = 16

a. x = 128
b. x = 24
c. x = 8
d. x = 2

3. Solve the equation. 12m = 14.4

a. m = 120
b. m = 12
c. m = 1.2
d. m = 0.12

4. Solve the equation. x/3 = -15

a. x = 45
b. x = -45
c. x = 3
d. x = -3

5. Select all of the equations that have a solution of 4. (choose only 2)

a. 5x = 20

b. 8x = -32

c. -4x = 16

d. x/2 = 2

e. x/4 = 16

The answers are B,A,C,B,A and D

K All your answers are correct.

K is correct

It’s a and c

1. To solve the equation -6g = 42, we need to isolate the variable "g" by dividing both sides of the equation by -6.

Dividing both sides by -6, we get:

g = 42 / -6

Simplifying, we have:

g = -7

Therefore, the correct answer is b. g = -7.

2. To solve the equation x/8 = 16, we need to isolate the variable "x" by multiplying both sides of the equation by 8.

Multiplying both sides by 8, we get:

8 * (x/8) = 8 * 16

Simplifying, we have:

x = 128

Therefore, the correct answer is a. x = 128.

3. To solve the equation 12m = 14.4, we need to isolate the variable "m" by dividing both sides of the equation by 12.

Dividing both sides by 12, we get:

m = 14.4 / 12

Simplifying, we have:

m = 1.2

Therefore, the correct answer is c. m = 1.2.

4. To solve the equation x/3 = -15, we need to isolate the variable "x" by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3.

Multiplying both sides by 3, we get:

3 * (x/3) = 3 * -15

Simplifying, we have:

x = -45

Therefore, the correct answer is b. x = -45.

5. To find the equations that have a solution of 4, we can substitute the value 4 for "x" in each equation and see which ones result in a true statement.

a. 5x = 20
Substituting x = 4, we have:
5 * 4 = 20
This is true.

b. 8x = -32
Substituting x = 4, we have:
8 * 4 = -32
This is not true.

c. -4x = 16
Substituting x = 4, we have:
-4 * 4 = 16
This is not true.

d. x/2 = 2
Substituting x = 4, we have:
4/2 = 2
This is true.

e. x/4 = 16
Substituting x = 4, we have:
4/4 = 16
This is not true.

Therefore, the equations that have a solution of 4 are a. 5x = 20 and d. x/2 = 2.

I don't understand any of this which is why I didn't pick answers for you guys to check.

You just have to remember that dividing a number by itself gives a quotient of 1. When it says "solve for x" that means you want to find the value of x all by itself.

SO, if you have

-6g = 42

You just need to divide by the -6 to get g all by itself. Since -6g = 42,

-6g/-6 = 42/-6
(-6/-6)g = -7
g = -7

Then you can check your answer by multiplying by -6 to make sure you get the same original values:

-6g = -6(-7) = 42.

#2 is the same, but instead of dividing, you multiply to get rid of the fraction

x/8 = 16
(x/8)*8 = 16*8
x(8/8) = 128
x = 128

#3 and 4 are just the same, using different numbers.

For #5, just replace every x with a 4 and see whether the statement is true.

5(4) = 20
20 = 20
so, yes. x=4 is a solution to that equation.