If Tan (A+B)=1/3 and Tan(A-B)=2/5,then prove that



x = arctan(1/3)
y = arctan(2/5)

A+B = x
A-B = y
2A = x+y
tan2A = tan(x+y)
= (tanx+tany)/(1-tanx*tany)
= (1/3 + 2/5)/(1-(1/3)(2/5))
= 11/13

do 2B the same way

WOW....you are very creative ....


It is really very short ans plz put long ans soo that we can understand

Thank you sir

How can he keep arctan 1/3 as x.

X must be kept as 1/3 and while putting the value of x There should be Tanx=Tan 1/3

It is very helpful for me