What is the value of the underlined digit?

$2.29 (9 is the underlned digit).

My teacher said it's not the ones place.

How do i figure it out?


Memorize the names of the places, both to the left and the right of the decimal point.

thank You.

You're welcome!

To determine the value of the underlined digit in $2.29, you need to understand the place value system in decimal numbers. The underlined digit is 9, and it is not in the ones place.

In the number 2.29, the digit 9 is in the tenths place. The place value system starts from the right with the ones place, followed by the tenths place, hundredths place, thousandths place, and so on.

Since the underlined digit is in the tenths place, its value can be determined by considering that the tenths place represents a fraction with a denominator of 10. In this case, the digit 9 in the tenths place is equivalent to the fraction 9/10.

Therefore, the value of the underlined digit is 9/10 or 0.9 in decimal form.