simplify the expression (7+5)+4*13-2



12 + 52 - 2 = 62

(7+5) + 4 x 13 - 2

(12) + 4 x 13 - 2
12 + 52 - 2
64 - 2


Not to be rude, but I HATE mathisfuncom. To me, it is very confusing.

Sure! Let's break it down step by step.

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses: (7 + 5) = 12.

Now our expression becomes: 12 + 4 * 13 - 2.

Next, let's multiply 4 by 13: 4 * 13 = 52.

Our expression is now: 12 + 52 - 2.

Finally, let's add and subtract: 12 + 52 = 64, and 64 - 2 = 62.

So, the simplified expression is 62.

To simplify the expression (7+5)+4*13-2, we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS), which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

First, let's simplify what's inside the parentheses:
(7+5) = 12

Now, we can rewrite the expression without the parentheses:

Next, we need to perform the multiplication:
4*13 = 52

Now, we can rewrite the expression:

Finally, we can perform the addition and subtraction from left to right:
12+52 = 64
64-2 = 62

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression (7+5)+4*13-2 is 62.

i do not now what to do with the denominator do i make it 15 or do i add the 3 to the 5

but i did what we did to get 23 for the Numerator