complete the table to answer 1-4.

i don't put a table here because i can't and it's time consuming, so i made up word problems for the table.

1. for the abc company, you own 5 shares and lost $2 on monday, gained $5 on tuesday, and lost $1 on wednesday. did your net gain or lose?
i answered: gain
2. for the def company, you own 2 shares and gained $8 on monday, lost $7 on tuesday, and on wednesday you lost $10. did your net gain or loss?
i answered lose.
3. for the ghi company, you own 8 shares and lost $2 on monday, gained $9 on tuesday, and on wednesday you gained $6. did your net gain or lose?
i answered: gain
4. for the jkl company, you own 7 shares and gained $5 on monday, lost $12 on tuesday, and on wednesday you gained $3. did your net gain or lose?
5. what expression shows your net gain or loss on ghi company?
i answered: 8($-2 + $9 + $6)
6. how much value did you gain or lose overall?
i answered: $73 gain overall

write an expression to represent each situation. then, find the value of the expression to solve the problem.

7. a submarine cruised below the surface of the water. during a training exercise, it made 4 dives, each time descending 45 feet more. then it rose 112 feet. what is the change in the submarine's position?
for the expression, i answered: 4(-45) + 112. the change was -68 ft. in the submarine's position.
8. a teacher wanted to prevent students from guessing answers on a multiple-choice test. the teacher graded 5 points for a correct answer, 0 points for no answer, and -2 points for a wrong answer. giselle answered 17 questions correctly, left 3 blank, and had 5 wrong answers. she also got 8 out of 10 points for extra credit. what was her final score?
i answered for the expression: 17(5) + 0(3) + 5(-2) + 8 her final score was 83 points.
9. hugh wrote six checks from his account in the following amounts: $20, $20, $12, $20, $12, and $42. he also made a deposit of $57 and was charged a $15 service fee by the bank. what is the change in hugh's account balance.
i answered for the expression: -20+(-20)+(-12)+(-20)+(-12)+(-42)+57+(-15)
$-84 is the change in hugh's account balance.

tank you very much tutors and i will be posting a question about social studies, and i also posted 3 questions about science yesterday so if you could review them and check them then tank you very much. the subject is: SCIENCE! in the august 29 2015 archives under my name, anon, and i have posted 3 so if you could review them all then i appreciate.

Hahaha checking Shahjahanpur the other jzjzjzjchhd

4. For the jkl company, the expression to represent the situation is 7($5 - $12 + $3). To find the value of the expression, we can calculate: 7($5 - $12 + $3) = 7(-$4) = -$28. So the net gain or loss for the jkl company is a loss of $28.

5. The expression that shows the net gain or loss for the ghi company is 8($-2 + $9 + $6). To find the value of the expression, we can calculate: 8($-2 + $9 + $6) = 8($13) = $104. So the net gain or loss for the ghi company is a gain of $104.

6. To find the overall gain or loss, we need to sum up the net gains or losses for all the companies. In this case, we have a gain of $5 (for abc company), a loss of $25 (for def company), a gain of $104 (for ghi company), and a loss of $28 (for jkl company). Adding these values, we get $5 + (-$25) + $104 + (-$28) = $56. So the overall gain or loss is a gain of $56.

7. The expression to represent the change in the submarine's position is 4(-45) + 112. To find the value of the expression, we can calculate: 4(-45) + 112 = -180 + 112 = -68. So the change in the submarine's position is a decrease of 68 feet.

8. The expression to represent Giselle's final score is 17(5) + 0(3) + 5(-2) + 8. To find the value of the expression, we can calculate: 17(5) + 0(3) + 5(-2) + 8 = 85 + 0 + (-10) + 8 = 83. So Giselle's final score is 83 points.

9. The expression to represent the change in Hugh's account balance is -20 + (-20) + (-12) + (-20) + (-12) + (-42) + 57 + (-15). To find the value of the expression, we can calculate: -20 + (-20) + (-12) + (-20) + (-12) + (-42) + 57 + (-15) = -158. So the change in Hugh's account balance is a decrease of $158.

To complete the table and answer questions 1-4, we need to calculate the net gain or loss for each situation.

For the abc company, you own 5 shares and the changes in value are as follows:
- Monday: Lost $2
- Tuesday: Gained $5
- Wednesday: Lost $1

To find the net gain or loss, we need to add up the changes in value: (-$2) + $5 + (-$1) = $2.
Since the result is positive ($2), the net gain is $2.

For the def company, you own 2 shares and the changes in value are:
- Monday: Gained $8
- Tuesday: Lost $7
- Wednesday: Lost $10

To find the net gain or loss, we add the changes in value: $8 + (-$7) + (-$10) = -$9.
Since the result is negative (-$9), the net loss is $9.

For the ghi company, you own 8 shares and the changes in value are:
- Monday: Lost $2
- Tuesday: Gained $9
- Wednesday: Gained $6

To find the net gain or loss, we add the changes in value: (-$2) + $9 + $6 = $13.
Since the result is positive ($13), the net gain is $13.

For the jkl company, you own 7 shares and the changes in value are:
- Monday: Gained $5
- Tuesday: Lost $12
- Wednesday: Gained $3

To find the net gain or loss, we add the changes in value: $5 + (-$12) + $3 = -$4.
Since the result is negative (-$4), the net loss is $4.

So the answers to questions 1-4 are:
1. Net gain
2. Net loss
3. Net gain
4. Net loss

Now, moving on to question 5, which asks for an expression representing the net gain or loss for the ghi company.
Since we already established that the net gain for the ghi company is $13, the expression would be: 8 × $13 = $104.

For question 6, to find the overall gain or loss, we need to sum up the net gains/losses for all companies mentioned (abc, def, ghi, jkl).

Net gain/loss for abc: $2 (from question 1)
Net gain/loss for def: -$9 (from question 2)
Net gain/loss for ghi: $13 (from question 3)
Net gain/loss for jkl: -$4 (from question 4)

To find the overall gain or loss, we add up these amounts: $2 + (-$9) + $13 + (-$4) = $2 - $9 + $13 - $4 = $2 - $9 - $4 + $13 = $73.
So the overall gain is $73.

Moving on to question 7, which asks for the change in the submarine's position. The information provided states that the submarine made 4 dives, each time descending 45 feet more, and then rose 112 feet.

To find the change in the submarine's position, we can write the expression: 4 × (-45) + 112.
Calculating that, we get: -180 + 112 = -68.
So the change in the submarine's position is -68 feet.

For question 8, it asks for Giselle's final score on a test. The given information says that she answered 17 questions correctly (5 points each), left 3 blank (0 points each), had 5 wrong answers (-2 points each), and got 8 out of 10 points for extra credit.

To find her final score, we can write the expression: 17 × 5 + 0 × 3 + 5 × -2 + 8.
Calculating that, we get: 85 + 0 + (-10) + 8 = 83.
So Giselle's final score is 83 points.

Lastly, for question 9, it asks for the change in Hugh's account balance. The information provided states that he wrote six checks in different amounts, made a deposit, and was charged a service fee.

The expression to represent the change in his account balance would be: -20 + (-20) + (-12) + (-20) + (-12) + (-42) + 57 + (-15).

Calculating that, we get: -148 + 57 - 15 = -106.
So the change in Hugh's account balance is -$106.

I hope this answers your questions! Let me know if you need any further assistance.