why might a person say aristotle is the most modern of the ancient greek philosophers?


A person might say that Aristotle is the most modern of the ancient Greek philosophers for a few reasons. Firstly, Aristotle's philosophy was characterized by a more systematic and empirical approach compared to his predecessors like Plato and Socrates. He emphasized observation, logic, and reasoning based on evidence, which aligns with the scientific and rational mindset of the modern era.

Secondly, Aristotle's ideas in various fields such as biology, ethics, psychology, and politics were quite comprehensive and covered many aspects of human life, building a foundation for later developments in these disciplines. His works served as valuable resources for scholars and researchers throughout history and remain influential even today.

Furthermore, Aristotle's philosophy emphasized the importance of practical knowledge and understanding the physical world. This emphasis on practicality and empirical observation resonates with the modern scientific approach, which seeks to understand the world through experimentation and empirical evidence.

Moreover, Aristotle's philosophical methodology aimed at categorizing and classifying knowledge, developing logical systems, and organizing information. This inclination towards systematic thinking and organizing knowledge aligns with the modern desire for structuring and organizing complex information and data.

In summary, Aristotle's emphasis on systematic thinking, empirical observation, practical knowledge, and comprehensive understanding of various disciplines makes him appear more modern when compared to his ancient Greek counterparts.