A pistol of mass 2kg fires a bullet of mass 50g. The bullet strikes a block of mass 0.5kg. If the block with bullet embedded in it moves with a velocity of 4m/s the recoil velocity of the gun will be..??

find bullet momentum from conservation of momentum

.05 v = .55 * 4 = 2.2

2 V + 2.2 = 0
V = -2.2/2

correct -1.10

@damon can you please explain it...

0.5 and 0.55 are not given in the Q.

just memorizing don't work in physics when u cant explain the answer

mass of bullet and block = 1.1/2

momentum = 1.1/2¡Á4 = 2.2kg.m/s
2.2= 2¡Á velocity of bullet

-1.110 m/s

plzzz explain ...... i m not geeting

plzzz explain ...... i m not geeting

what is the ans

To determine the recoil velocity of the gun, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum. According to this principle, the total momentum before an event is equal to the total momentum after the event, provided no external forces act on the system.

In this scenario, we can consider the gun and the bullet as one system before the bullet is fired, and the gun and the block as one system after the bullet hits the block. The momentum of an object is calculated by multiplying its mass by its velocity.

Initial momentum of the system (with the bullet and gun together) = Final momentum of the system (with the block and gun together)

Before firing the bullet:
Momentum of the system (with bullet and gun) = (mass of bullet + mass of gun) × (velocity of gun)

After the bullet strikes the block:
Momentum of the system (with block and gun) = (mass of block + mass of gun) × (velocity of the block and bullet)

According to the principle of conservation of momentum, we can set these two equations equal to each other:

(mass of bullet + mass of gun) × (velocity of gun) = (mass of block + mass of gun) × (velocity of the block and bullet)

Given the masses:
Mass of bullet = 50g = 0.05kg
Mass of gun = 2kg
Mass of block = 0.5kg

Let's represent the recoil velocity of the gun as 'V'. The velocity of the block and bullet together is given as 4m/s:

(0.05kg + 2kg) × (V) = (0.5kg + 2kg) × (4m/s)

Simplifying the equation:

(2.05kg) × (V) = (2.5kg) × (4m/s)

Now, we can solve for V:

(2.05kg × V) = (2.5kg × 4m/s)

2.05kg × V = 10kg·m/s

V ≈ 10kg·m/s ÷ 2.05kg

V ≈ 4.88m/s

So, the recoil velocity of the gun will be approximately 4.88 m/s.