When an electron is displaced in a semiconductor, the hole that's left behind is

A. incapable of carrying a charge.
B. considered an impurity in the crystal.
C. attracted to the anode of the voltage source.
D. attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source.

I think its C

the hole is positive, so it is drawn to the negative pole: the cathode.

The correct answer is D. The hole that is left behind when an electron is displaced in a semiconductor is attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source.

To understand why, it's important to have a basic understanding of the behavior of electrons and holes in a semiconductor. In a pure semiconductor, such as silicon or germanium, the valence band is fully occupied by electrons, and the conduction band is empty. The gap between these two bands is called the band gap.

When an external energy source, such as a voltage, is applied to a semiconductor material, electrons can be energized and move from the valence band to the conduction band, creating free charge carriers. This movement of electrons creates holes in the valence band, as an electron has been removed.

Now, in the presence of a voltage, the movement of charge carriers (either electrons or holes) in a semiconductor is dictated by the polarity of the voltage source. The negative terminal of the voltage source is connected to the electron-deficient or positively charged side of the material, while the positive terminal is connected to the electron-rich or negatively charged side.

Since the hole is an electron-deficient region, it is attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source. This attraction allows for the movement of holes towards the negative terminal, resulting in a flow of charge in the opposite direction.

Therefore, when an electron is displaced in a semiconductor, the hole that is left behind is attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source.