If the park is 360 meters wide and the tram takes 6 minutes to get to the other side, how fast is it moving?

360 / 6 = 60 meters per minute

what is the answer?

trams speed in miles per hour

To find the speed at which the tram is moving, we need to divide the distance it travels by the time it takes. In this case, the distance is the width of the park, which is 360 meters, and the time is 6 minutes.

First, we need to convert the time from minutes into seconds, as the speed is typically measured in meters per second. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, we can multiply 6 minutes by 60 to get 360 seconds.

Now, we can divide the distance (360 meters) by the time (360 seconds) to find the speed:

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 360 meters / 360 seconds

Speed = 1 meter per second

Therefore, the tram is moving at a speed of 1 meter per second.