A biologist determines that a lizard's body temperature is 29 degrees C. Which of the following correctly describes the biologist's data?

a) it is a qualitative observation
b) it is a quantitative observation***
c) it is a prediction
d) it is a classification




The correct answer is b) it is a quantitative observation.

To understand why, let's look at the options:
a) Qualitative observation: This refers to observations that are descriptive in nature, such as color, texture, or behavior. In this case, we are given a specific numerical value, which makes it a quantitative observation.
b) Quantitative observation: This refers to observations that can be measured or expressed using numbers. The given value of 29 degrees C is a measurement, so this is the correct choice.
c) Prediction: This refers to a statement about what may happen in the future based on prior knowledge or observations. In this case, the biologist is not making a prediction, but rather reporting a present observation.
d) Classification: This refers to grouping or categorizing objects or organisms based on their characteristics or properties. The given observation of a specific body temperature does not involve any form of classification.

Therefore, the correct answer is b) it is a quantitative observation.