6,300 and 530

The value of 3 in is times
The value of 3 in

The value of 3 in 6,300 is 3,000 and the value of 3 in 530 is 300.

To understand this, let's break down each number:

For 6,300:
- The digit 3 is in the thousands place, which means it represents 3,000.
- The other digits (6 and 0) do not have any value in relation to the number 3.

For 530:
- The digit 3 is in the hundreds place, which means it represents 300.
- The other digits (5 and 0) do not have any value in relation to the number 3.

To find the value of a digit in a number, you need to identify its place value and then multiply it by the corresponding power of 10. The place values increase from right to left in powers of 10 (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.), so the value of each digit depends on its position in the number.

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