Life orientation

Identify four environment issues that cause ill -health to the community

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To identify four environmental issues that cause ill-health to the community, you can follow these steps:

1. Research local and global sources: Begin by gathering information from reliable sources such as government reports, environmental agencies, health organizations, or academic studies. These sources will provide you with a range of environmental issues affecting health in communities.

2. Review environmental pollution: Consider different types of pollution that can lead to ill-health in communities. These may include air pollution (from industrial emissions or vehicle exhaust), water pollution (from contamination or inadequate sanitation), soil pollution (from chemical waste or pesticides), or noise pollution (from construction or transportation).

3. Examine access to clean water and sanitation: Many communities face health challenges due to a lack of access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation facilities. Consider the prevalence of waterborne diseases, inadequate waste management, or limited access to basic hygiene facilities.

4. Explore occupational hazards: Occupational hazards can adversely affect the health and well-being of workers in specific industries. Look into cases of exposure to harmful substances, physical hazards, or poor working conditions which may cause occupational illnesses or accidents.

5. Assess impacts of climate change: Investigate the effects of climate change on health in the community. This includes extreme weather events (such as heatwaves or flooding), changes in disease patterns (like the spread of vector-borne diseases), or food scarcity leading to malnutrition.

By following these steps, you can identify four environmental issues contributing to ill-health in the community. Keep in mind that it is essential to refer to authoritative sources for accurate information.