1. In the image, Green Wheat Fields, Auvers by Vincent van Gogh, which of the following elements was not used to create the principle of harmony?

A. Colors
B. Form
C. Line
D. Texture

3. In the image, The Annunciation, by Jan van Eyck, which element in this image creates emphasis on the female figure directly behind the book?
A. Texture
B. Space
C. Color

I think 1 is B.

What do you think 3 is?

Would it be space?

Which definition below best describes the definition of theme within poetry

To answer the first question about the painting "Green Wheat Fields, Auvers" by Vincent van Gogh, we need to identify which element was not used to create the principle of harmony.

To find the answer, we can look at the image and analyze the different elements used by Van Gogh. The elements generally considered in art are line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space.

We can start by looking at the image and identifying the different elements that are present. In this case, colors, form, line, and texture are all notable elements in the painting.

Next, we need to understand the principle of harmony. Harmony in art refers to the pleasing combination of elements that creates unity and coherence in a composition.

Now, we can analyze the painting and determine if any of the elements mentioned - colors, form, line, and texture - do not contribute to the principle of harmony. To do this, we need to consider how these elements interact with each other in the painting and if they create a sense of unity.

Once we have analyzed the painting and its elements, we can then select which element was not used to create the principle of harmony.

For the second question about the painting "The Annunciation" by Jan van Eyck, we need to identify the element that creates emphasis on the female figure behind the book.

To find the answer, we can again look at the image and analyze the different elements present. In this case, texture, space, and color are the potential elements that could create emphasis.

Next, we need to understand how each of these elements can be used to create emphasis. Texture refers to the surface quality of an object or area. Space refers to the area within and around an object. Color can create emphasis through contrasting hues or saturation.

By analyzing the image and considering how each of these elements interacts with the female figure behind the book, we can determine which element creates emphasis.

Once we have carefully observed the painting, we can then select the element that best fits the description.