How do you graph mixed fraction from a table on a coordinate plane ??


To graph a mixed fraction from a table on a coordinate plane, you first need to convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction. Then, the table will provide you with the x and y values you need to plot the points on the coordinate plane. Here are the steps:

1. Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction. For example, if the mixed fraction is 2 3/4, you would convert it to (2 * 4 + 3) / 4 = 11/4.

2. Look at the table and identify the x and y values given for each point. The x value typically represents the independent variable, while the y value represents the dependent variable.

3. Plot the points on the coordinate plane. Take each x value from the table and locate it on the x-axis. Then, take the corresponding y value and locate it on the y-axis. Plot a point where the x and y values intersect.

4. Repeat this process for each point given in the table.

5. Once all the points are plotted, connect them with a smooth curve or a straight line, depending on the data points provided.

6. Label the graph with appropriate axes labels and title.

By following these steps, you can graph mixed fractions from a table on a coordinate plane.