in the equation, n = cv, what is the meaning of n? I know that it stands for the number of moles, but I'm not exactly sure what that means. Our teacher wants us to mention Avogradro’s number in our explanation

The mole in chemistry is a unit and it stands for a number. That number is 6.022E23 (which is Avogadro's number).

You use units in your life; i.e., a dozen you know is 12 of anything. You know a gross is 144 of anything. You know a score is 20 of anything (usually used with years). A ream is 500 of anything (usually with paper). Likewise, a mole is 6.022E23 of anything. So can have a mole of atoms, a mole of molecules, a mole of slices of bread, a mole of people, a mole of cars, etc.