Bob works 1 1/2 hours per day and is payed $7 per hour. He works five days a week. How much money does he earn in 7 weeks?

My answer is $367.50, am i correct?


Thanks. :)

You're welcome. :-)

To calculate how much money Bob earns in 7 weeks, we need to first calculate his weekly earnings and then multiply it by the number of weeks.

Bob works 1 1/2 hours per day, which is the same as 1.5 hours. He is paid $7 per hour.

To find his daily earnings, we can multiply the number of hours worked (1.5) by the hourly rate ($7): 1.5 hours * $7/hour = $10.50 per day.

Next, we need to find his weekly earnings. Since Bob works five days a week, we can multiply his daily earnings by the number of days he works: $10.50/day * 5 days/week = $52.50 per week.

Finally, to calculate how much money Bob earns in 7 weeks, we multiply his weekly earnings by the number of weeks: $52.50/week * 7 weeks = $367.50.

So, yes, you are correct. Bob earns $367.50 in 7 weeks.