Do the following points represent a point on the graph of y=x 4? (0.-4) (5,-1)

Doesn't look like it, assuming I have read your garbled text correctly.

Do the following points represent a point on the graph of y=x-4?

(0,-4) (5,-1)

is this neater?

-4 = 0-4, but

-1 ≠ 5-4

alright thanks!


That was me btw :)

To determine whether the given points represent a point on the graph of the equation y = x^4, we need to substitute the x-coordinate of each point into the equation and check if it matches with the y-coordinate.

Let's check each point one by one:

1) Point (0, -4):
To check if this point lies on the graph of y = x^4, we substitute x = 0 into the equation:
y = (0)^4
y = 0^4
y = 0

So, when x = 0, the equation y = x^4 gives us y = 0. However, in the given point, the y-coordinate is -4. Therefore, (0, -4) does not represent a point on the graph of y = x^4.

2) Point (5, -1):
To check if this point lies on the graph of y = x^4, we substitute x = 5 into the equation:
y = (5)^4
y = 625

So, when x = 5, the equation y = x^4 gives us y = 625. However, in the given point, the y-coordinate is -1. Therefore, (5, -1) does not represent a point on the graph of y = x^4.

In conclusion, neither of the given points (0, -4) and (5, -1) represent points on the graph of y = x^4.