There are 5 students in a classroom. The median age of the children are 9. Two of the children ages are 5. The range of all the students are 7. What is the age of the second to the last child?

5, 5, 9, ? , 12

Is the answer 12?
May you please give an explanation to this problem.

Why couldn't the age be 10 or 11, as well as 12?

Are you saying I could write any number there. My thinking is that the range of all the children is 7 therefore the 5th child would be 12. I am completely lost and have no idea the solution here!!!!

The last child must be 12. So the second to last child is 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Did the problem give you the average of their ages?

No it did not give an average. This makes sense. Thank you. If it did give an average. The answer would then be


27+ x/5 = ?

To find the age of the second to last child, we first need to understand the given information.

We are told that there are 5 students in the classroom, so we have 5 ages to consider. The median age is given as 9, which means that when the ages are arranged in numerical order, the middle age is 9.

We are also given that two of the children have ages of 5. This means that the first two ages, when arranged in numerical order, are both 5.

Finally, the range of all the students is given as 7. The range is the difference between the highest and lowest value. In this case, we can deduce that the highest age minus the lowest age is equal to 7.

Now let's arrange the ages in numerical order:

5, 5, 9, ?, 12

Since the median age is 9, the third value in our arrangement must be 9. So far, our list looks like this:

5, 5, 9, ?, 12

Now, let's consider the range. The highest age minus the lowest age equals 7. In this case, 12 - 5 = 7.

This shows that the last child's age must be 12. So our final arrangement is:

5, 5, 9, ?, 12

Therefore, the age of the second to last (or fourth) child must be 9.