Your assignment is to review the case study starting on page 150, “Closer Look: The Stanford Prison Study.” Write a paper answering the following questions:

• Considering the effects this experiment had on its subjects, do you have any ethical concerns about conducting similar studies?
• Would you have preferred to be a prisoner or a guard? Why?
• How do you think you would have acted in the guard role and in the prisoner role? Explain why you would have acted this way.

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To review the case study on page 150, titled "Closer Look: The Stanford Prison Study," you need to access the source material. Here's how you can do it:

1. Find the relevant publication: Look for the book or journal that contains the case study. Check your course materials or online resources for the correct source. Note the author, title, and publication information.

2. Locate the publication: In most cases, you can find academic publications in online libraries, such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your university library's website. If you don't have access to these resources, you can consult your professor or a librarian for assistance.

3. Access the case study: Once you have located the publication, search for the specific case study titled "Closer Look: The Stanford Prison Study." Use the author and title information to navigate within the publication or search directly using keywords. Many digital libraries provide options to read or download the full text of articles.

4. Read and analyze the case study: Take your time to carefully read the case study, understanding the background, methodology, findings, and any other relevant details. Note down important points, quotes, or statistics that will help you answer the questions effectively.

Now, let's address the questions you need to answer based on the case study:

1. Considering the effects this experiment had on its subjects, do you have any ethical concerns about conducting similar studies?

In order to address this question, carefully analyze the ethical implications presented in the case study. Look for information about the impact the experiment had on the participants, such as psychological distress or potential harm inflicted. Consider ethical principles, such as informed consent, privacy, and minimizing harm, to evaluate whether similar studies raise any ethical concerns.

2. Would you have preferred to be a prisoner or a guard? Why?

To answer this question, put yourself in the context of the study and consider the roles and experiences of the prisoners and guards. Reflect on the power dynamics, psychological pressures, and potential consequences associated with each role. Formulate your preference based on your own psychological and emotional makeup, considering factors such as control, freedom, and social influence.

3. How do you think you would have acted in the guard role and in the prisoner role? Explain why you would have acted this way.

To address this question, draw on your understanding of your own personality traits, values, and beliefs. Consider how you might respond to or be influenced by the situational factors portrayed in the study, such as the assigned role, group dynamics, and social pressure. Reflect on your own tendencies towards conformity, obedience, or resistance, and project how these might influence your behavior in each role.

Remember, to provide accurate and informed answers, it's crucial to refer to the specific details, findings, and context of the case study.