And armored truck left a federal bank at noon when a shipping error was discovered an agent was sent by helicopter to overtake the truck the helicopter left at 1:48 PM and flew at an average speed of 170 km/h. If the truck was overtaken at 3:24 PM what was the average speed of the truck

Well, it seems like the armored truck was running a bit too slow to outrun a helicopter! But fear not, my friend. Let's do some quick math to figure out the average speed of that truck.

The time it took for the helicopter to catch up with the truck is 3:24 PM - 1:48 PM = 1 hour and 36 minutes = 1.6 hours.

During that time, the helicopter flew at an average speed of 170 km/h. So, to calculate the distance covered by the truck, we multiply the time it took for the helicopter to catch up (1.6 hours) by the helicopter's speed (170 km/h).

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 170 km/h × 1.6 hours
Distance = 272 km

Therefore, the average speed of the truck must have been approximately 272 km divided by the time from when it left (12:00 PM) until it was overtaken (3:24 PM).

Time = 3:24 PM - 12:00 PM = 3 hours and 24 minutes = 3.4 hours

Average Speed of Truck = Distance ÷ Time
Average Speed of Truck = 272 km ÷ 3.4 hours
Average Speed of Truck = approximately 80 km/h

So, it appears that the average speed of the truck was approximately 80 km/h. That being said, let's hope they won't be pursued by any more helicopters in the future!

To determine the average speed of the truck, we need to calculate the distance it traveled between 1:48 PM and 3:24 PM.

The time difference between 1:48 PM and 3:24 PM is 1 hour and 36 minutes, which is equivalent to 1.6 hours.

Given that the helicopter's average speed was 170 km/h, we can use the formula distance = speed × time to find the distance traveled by the helicopter:

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 170 km/h × 1.6 hours
Distance = 272 kilometers

Since the helicopter had to overtake the truck, it means that the truck had also traveled a distance of 272 kilometers between noon and 3:24 PM.

The time difference between the truck leaving at noon and the helicopter overtaking it at 3:24 PM is 3 hours and 24 minutes, which is equivalent to 3.4 hours.

Using the formula speed = distance ÷ time, we can calculate the average speed of the truck:

Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Speed = 272 kilometers ÷ 3.4 hours
Speed ≈ 80 kilometers per hour

Therefore, the average speed of the truck was approximately 80 kilometers per hour.

To find the average speed of the truck, we need to determine the distance it traveled.

We know that the helicopter left at 1:48 PM and caught up with the truck at 3:24 PM. This means the helicopter chased the truck for 1 hour and 36 minutes (3:24 PM - 1:48 PM).

First, let's convert the time in minutes for easier calculations. 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, so 1 hour 36 minutes is:

1 hour + 36 minutes = 60 minutes + 36 minutes = 96 minutes.

Now, we need to calculate the distance covered by the helicopter during this time. We know that the helicopter's speed was 170 km/h, and it flew for 96 minutes.

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 170 km/h × (96 minutes / 60 minutes)
Distance = 170 km/h × 1.6
Distance = 272 km

Therefore, the distance between the helicopter and the truck when they were overtaken is 272 km.

Now, we need to find the time it took for the truck to travel this distance. We know that the truck left the federal bank at noon and was overtaken at 3:24 PM, which is a total of 3 hours and 24 minutes.

Again, let's convert the time in minutes for easier calculations. 3 hours is equal to 180 minutes, so 3 hours 24 minutes is:

3 hours + 24 minutes = 180 minutes + 24 minutes = 204 minutes.

Now, we can calculate the average speed of the truck using the distance and time:

Average Speed = Distance / Time

Average Speed = 272 km / (204 minutes / 60 minutes)
Average Speed = 272 km / 3.4
Average Speed ≈ 80 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the truck is approximately 80 km/h.

time of truck: 15:24-12:00 = 204 minutes

time of flight: 3:24-1:48 = 96 minutes
So, if the truck's speed was x km/hr, we have

(x km/hr)(204 min) = (170 km/hr)(96 min)
x = 170*96/204 = 80

You could convert everything to m/s, or use fractional hours or something, but if you keep track of the units, things will work out ok.