Read this sentence:

"You can become one of the millions of people around the country who take the time to volunteer."
This sentence is an example of which persuasive technique?
A) transfer
B) bandwagon
C) ethical appeal
D) emotional appeal
Is it B?

Yes. Bandwagon is the technique.


To determine which persuasive technique is being used in the given sentence, let's break down the options:

A) Transfer: This persuasive technique involves transferring positive feelings or associations from one thing to another. In our sentence, there is no evident transfer of positive feelings or associations.

B) Bandwagon: The bandwagon technique appeals to the idea that everyone else is doing something, so you should too. In our sentence, it states, "one of the millions of people." This implies that many people are already volunteering, suggesting that you should join in as well. Therefore, the bandwagon technique seems to be the most applicable choice.

C) Ethical appeal: Ethical appeal, also known as an appeal to ethics or credibility, involves persuading through appealing to someone's sense of right and wrong. The given sentence does not explicitly appeal to ethics or credibility.

D) Emotional appeal: Emotional appeal aims to evoke emotions like happiness, sadness, fear, etc. In our sentence, there is no apparent attempt to evoke emotions.

Based on the above analysis, option B) Bandwagon seems to be the most suitable answer to the question.