. ___________ provided the first physiological explanations for mental illness. (Points : 1)



The correct answer is Hippocrates. To determine this, we need to have some background knowledge about the history of mental illness and the contributions of different scholars.

Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician who lived during the 5th century BCE. He is often considered the father of Western medicine and made significant contributions to the understanding of mental illness. Hippocrates believed that mental disorders were caused by imbalances in bodily humors (fluids) and that these imbalances could be corrected through various treatments.

To identify the correct answer, we can eliminate the other options by examining their contributions to the field of mental illness:

1. Pinel: Philippe Pinel was a French physician who lived during the 18th and 19th centuries. He is known for his work in reforming psychiatry and advocating for more humane treatment of mentally ill patients but did not provide the first physiological explanations for mental illness.

2. Plato: Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived around the same time as Hippocrates. While he made significant contributions to philosophy, including discussions on the nature of the mind, he did not provide physiological explanations for mental illness.

3. Galen: Galen was an ancient Greek physician who lived during the 2nd century CE. He made important contributions to the understanding of anatomy and medicine but did not specifically focus on the physiological explanations for mental illness.

By process of elimination, Hippocrates is the correct answer as he was the first to provide physiological explanations for mental illness.