Which transformation will be equivalent to rotating a figure 90° counterclockwise?

A) reflecting over the x-axis and the y-axis.

B) translating left 3 units and down 5 units.

C) Reflecting over the x-axis and then reflecting over the line y = x.

D) Reflecting over the x-axis and then reflecting over the line y = -x.

Is it B?

No, option B is not the correct answer.

To rotate a figure 90° counterclockwise, you need to find a transformation that specifically involves rotating the figure.

Option A involves reflecting over the x-axis and the y-axis, which does not result in a rotation.

Option C involves reflecting over the x-axis and then reflecting over the line y = x. This transformation is known as a diagonal reflection, and does not result in a rotation.

Option D involves reflecting over the x-axis and then reflecting over the line y = -x. This transformation is known as a diagonal reflection in the opposite direction, and does not result in a rotation.

The correct answer is option A) reflecting over the x-axis and the y-axis. Reflecting a figure over both the x-axis and the y-axis simultaneously will result in a 90° counterclockwise rotation.

No, the correct answer is C) Reflecting over the x-axis and then reflecting over the line y = x.


Write your name on a piece of paper

turn that piece of paper 90 degrees clockwise so that someone to your left at the card table can read it.

NOW, try those transforms.

Which one puts your name in front of you so you can read it?