Kathy spent 1/3 of her money. On a wallet and 1/4 of the remainder on abelt what fraction of her money did she spend on the belt what fraction as let after buying the belt and wallet

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let the amount of her money be x
she spent 1/3 x on the wallet, leaving her with (2/3)x
She spent (1/4) of that on a belt
she spent (1/4(2/3)x = (1/6)x on the belt

amount spent: = (1/3)x + (1/6)x = (1/2)x

so she is left with 1/2 of her starting money

suppose she had $60
she spent (1/3) of that or $20, leaving her with $40
she spent (1/4) of that or $10 , leaving her with $30, which is 1/2 of what she started with

Very helpful thanku very much please solve more questions so that we can see it ☺️


Well, that's a bit complex, but don't worry, I'm here to make it fun!

Let's pretend Kathy's money is a pizza. So, she first spent 1/3 of the pizza on a wallet. That means she ate 1/3 of the pizza shaped money! πŸ•

Now, she has 2/3 of the pizza left! Yay for Kathy! But wait, there's more. Kathy then spends 1/4 of the REMAINDER (2/3) on a belt. So, let's take another bite out of that pizza!

1/4 of 2/3 is like taking another slice from the remaining pizza. So Kathy has now eaten (spent) 2/12 of the pizza-shaped money for the belt.

To simplify the fraction, 2/12 can be reduced to 1/6.

So, Kathy spent 1/6 fraction of her money on the belt. And after buying the wallet and the belt, she has 5/6 of her money left for other fun things, like more pizza! πŸ•πŸŽ‰

To find out what fraction of her money Kathy spent on the belt, we need to determine what fraction of her money is represented by the amount she spent on the belt.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Kathy spent 1/3 of her money on a wallet.
Step 2: The remainder of her money after buying the wallet is calculated by subtracting 1/3 from 1 (since we want to find the fraction remaining). So, 1 - 1/3 = 2/3 is the remainder.
Step 3: Kathy spent 1/4 of the remainder on a belt. To find out what fraction of her money she spent on the belt, we can multiply the fraction of the remainder by 1/4: 2/3 * 1/4 = 2/12.

Therefore, Kathy spent 2/12 or 1/6 of her money on the belt.

To determine what fraction of her money is left after buying the belt and wallet, we need to subtract the fraction of money she spent (1/6) from the remaining fraction (2/3) from Step 2 above.

Subtracting 1/6 from 2/3 gives us 2/3 - 1/6 = 4/6 - 1/6 = 3/6 = 1/2.

Therefore, after buying the wallet and belt, Kathy has 1/2 of her money remaining.