
To prove the given trigonometric identity, we need to simplify both sides of the equation and show that they are equal.

Let's start by simplifying the left-hand side (LHS) of the equation:

LHS: (tan^2x+1)cot2x

Using basic trigonometric identities, we can rewrite cot2x in terms of sine and cosine:

cot2x = 1/tan2x = cos2x/sin2x

Now, substitute this back into the LHS:

LHS = (tan^2x+1)(cos2x/sin2x)

Applying the identity tan^2x = sec^2x - 1, we can rewrite tan^2x + 1 as sec^2x:

LHS = sec^2x(cos2x/sin2x)

Next, let's simplify the right-hand side (RHS) of the equation:

RHS: 2 - sec^2x

Since sec^2x is equivalent to 1/cos^2x, we can rewrite the RHS as:

RHS = 2 - 1/cos^2x

To simplify further, take the common denominator by multiplying 2 by cos^2x:

RHS = (2cos^2x - 1)/cos^2x

Now, our equation becomes:

sec^2x(cos2x/sin2x) = (2cos^2x - 1)/cos^2x

To simplify this further, let's rewrite cos2x as 2cos^2x - 1 using the double-angle identity for cosine:

sec^2x(cos2x/sin2x) = (2cos^2x - 1)/cos^2x

sec^2x(2cos^2x - 1)/sin2x = (2cos^2x - 1)/cos^2x

Now, let's simplify both sides:

sec^2x cancels out with sin2x on the LHS:

2cos^2x - 1 = (2cos^2x - 1)/cos^2x

To get rid of the denominators, we can multiply both sides by cos^2x:

(2cos^2x - 1)cos^2x = 2cos^2x - 1

Expanding the left-hand side:

2cos^4x - cos^2x = 2cos^2x - 1

Moving all terms to one side:

2cos^4x - 3cos^2x + 1 = 0

This equation is satisfied when cos^2x = 1/2 or cos^2x = 1.

Taking the square root to solve for x:

cosx = ±√(1/2) or cosx = ±1

Therefore, the possible values for x are:

x = π/4 + kπ/2, π/3 + kπ, π/6 + kπ, where k is an integer.

By substituting these values of x into the original equation, we can verify that both sides are equal, thus proving the given trigonometric identity.