A faculty lost 1/5 of its faculty in the reduction. If 88 faculty were left, how many faculty were there originally?


0.2x + 88 = x

88 = 0.8x

110 = x

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To solve this problem, we can use algebra. Let's assume that the original number of faculty members is "x".

According to the problem, the faculty lost 1/5 of its members, which means 1 - 1/5 = 4/5 of the original faculty members remained.

We can express this relation as an equation:

4/5 * x = 88

To solve for x, we need to isolate it. First, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 5/4 to get rid of the fraction:

(4/5 * x) * (5/4) = 88 * (5/4)

This simplifies to:

x = 110

Therefore, the original number of faculty members was 110.