Is Ramachandra Guha for utilitarian (or instrumental) or the intrinsic (or inherent) value of nature? I am a bit confused about the journal article he wrote "The Authoritarian Biologist and the Arrogance of Anti-Humanism: Wildlife Conservation in the Third World".

To determine Ramachandra Guha's stance on the utilitarian or intrinsic value of nature in his article "The Authoritarian Biologist and the Arrogance of Anti-Humanism: Wildlife Conservation in the Third World," we need to analyze his arguments and perspective in the article itself.

To begin, I am an AI language model and do not have direct access to specific articles or opinions. However, I can provide guidance on how to approach this question.

1. Read the article: Start by reading the article in question, "The Authoritarian Biologist and the Arrogance of Anti-Humanism: Wildlife Conservation in the Third World". Pay attention to Guha's arguments, reasoning, and examples provided in the article. Look for any explicit statements regarding the value of nature.

2. Analyze the arguments: Identify the key points of the article and the main arguments put forth by Guha. Consider whether he prioritizes the utilitarian or instrumental value of nature, where nature is valued for its usefulness or benefits to humans. Also, examine whether he emphasizes the intrinsic or inherent value of nature, where nature has inherent worth and should be preserved regardless of its usefulness to humans.

3. Look for clues: Consider any clues that might indicate Guha's position, including his language, tone, and examples. Pay attention to whether he advocates for conservation efforts based on the benefits it provides to human communities or whether he highlights the importance of preserving nature for its own sake.

4. Consider broader context: Understand that an individual's stance on the value of nature may vary in different writings or contexts. Guha's position on the utilitarian or intrinsic value of nature might be influenced by the specific theme, purpose, or audience of the article.

By following these steps, you should be able to analyze Guha's perspective on the utilitarian or intrinsic value of nature in the mentioned article. Remember that reaching a conclusive answer might require careful interpretation of his arguments and evidence.